UMATAC and thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies are now part of FLSmidth.

4838 Richard Road SW, Suite 400 | Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 6L1
Telephone: 403.910.1000

Projects | Overview

The UMATAC technical library includes presentations of recent and planned projects.

Oil Sands and Oil Shale resources (FMG, JEML, Stuart)

Oil is efficiently extracted from the mined ore. The oil quality is similar to that of fluid coking. The dry thermal process results in clean tailings. No tailings ponds.

In addition to the ATP technology, UMATAC/tkIS has also been contracted by oil sands companies to assist in development of new solvent-based oil extraction technology as well as study work into tailings and emissions from existing water-based extraction plants.

Rubbers and Polymers (GTT)

Source of renewable fuels (diesel, jet fuel) and recovered carbon black to be recycled into tires or for other purposes.

Clean up of hydrocarbon wastes (Superfund, oil reprocessing)

Clean soils are produced with contaminants fully recovered for either disposal, incineration or sale as by-product.

Coal Specialty Products

Another special application for rotary pyrolysis is in coal upgrading and coal tar processing. As an alternative to coke ovens, the ATP Processor can reduce the volatile content of sub-bitumenous coal and recover the volatiles for specialty coal tar chemicals, marine bunker fuel, or other markets.

Refrence Projects